Friday, December 31, 2010

Last post of the year :D This year I've learnt, experienced and CRIED alot.

I definitely learnt alot in the school area. Maths, science, chinese, blah blah... But I learnt to be more confident of myself and I learnt that I have to more grateful for the things I have.

I've definitely experienced alot. Expecially when i went for the RHYA camp. Awesome-ness :D It was reaaaaly fun and I experienced alot from there. :D

The thing I've done the most this year, was CRY. Kinda weird for me to cry so much but all these times I've cried was actually worth my tears. Actually, all my tears were all because of farewells. Last day of camp(I cried twice because there were 2 camps) and the last day of school/last day as 2M. I cried the hardest for the last day of school. It's so sad to even think about it.

Well, I'm kinda looking forward to 2011, its so weird to type 2011... I'm already used to typing 2010. Its such a nice number you know. Starting of a new year always brings me new hope. New challenges like SYF and HCL O levels. These are really really huge challenges because its my very first time going for SYF and my very first time taking higher chinese for a major exam. New juniors (to make fun of :P) to teach, know,understand. New new year resolutions... I haven't planned that...

Well, that is my last post of the year. I hope 2011 will be an awesome year for me :D Happy new year!

left; 6:46 AM

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I know that Alicia might never see this but I shall still post this to get this off my chest. I'm sorry that I've been really really rude to you but I can't help it. Because when we are practicing, the atmosphere is really... I don't know how to say... It has a really heavy feeling to it and I hate that feeling. So I try to make the atmosphere lighter my making fun of you and well, being rude. And I know that I annoy you alot. I'm sorry. You're a great SL and I really mean it. Not Super Loser but Section leader. Maybe Superb Leader should be the right term. You are always scolding us because you don't want us to get scolded by Miss Sia or Mr Ong and pull down the whole band. I'm really sorry for my horrible tonging and my sucky tone and me not being able to follow the dynamics have been annoying you to the max and I'm really sorry. I think I'm even worse than a sec one... I'm really really sorry for that. You're right. I'm a sec 2 and I should be playing Persis way better than how I'm playing it now. But I think I've been too complacent that we got gold with honours for NBC so now I feel that we are mighty and I start slacking. I'm sorry for that.

To the section, I'm sorry that I'm such a sucky junior/senior to you guys. I only know how to have fun and I don't know when is the right time to be serious. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm the one that is pulling down the whole section and I will and I swear that I will work harder and be more serious when we are practice.

left; 7:41 AM

I really got to work harder on my trumpet playing skill. I have to. I have to. I HAVE TO! I hate the fact that I suck at playing the trumpet. i really really love playing it but I have to face it. I SUCK at it. I have to work harder. From today onwards, I swear that I will practice my trumpet more often and not pon band at all. I will even practice everyday during the holidays just so that I can get my tounging correct. I will work on my horrible tone and learn to be more confident and help CSB get GOLD WITH HONOURS for SYF next year. I cannot be the one that pulls down the section, the band. I will work really really hard. I don't want to be promoted to second or even first because I know that I'm not ready and I'm not fit for it. I suck so badly at it so why should I be promoted?! I will only accept the promotion only when I feel that I'm ready to be promoted. And right now, I'm not even close to even getting the basics correct. My tounging is horrible, I can't even follow the dynamics and I can't even get the basic rhythming correct so why should I be promoted?! So I will work hard and research and practice hard.

left; 7:13 AM

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yay I finally downloaded itunes to this lao kok kok laptop!!! But its a litte sot.... And I forgot how to add videos inside!!! Why did my Vaio have to die... And leave me here...

We are free from band for 1 month!!! We're supposed to bring our instruments home and practice. But I haven't hehe. Lazy la...

Doing DNT. Horrible person lost my journal!!! Hmph

left; 6:32 AM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Went to NEwater today. Haha Cedarians showed their deperation for guys so obviously can?!

We were inside the building when we just cross paths with the Japanese University students. Its co-ed. (I think their school is kinda prestigious cause its in Tokyo.) Then the guide said
"Say konichiwa"
"Now say aishiteru"
Me:"What shit?!?!" The people who were despo "AISHITERU!!!"
See!!! Why so desperate?!?! Then later when we were watching a video, some girls went to sit beside them!!! So... I dunno how to describe it. I'm so speechless...

Well, when we went back to school, I went for band for the last about 30 minutes or so? So that I can get my ice-cream. (But in the end it didn't come!!! Cheat my feelings and waste my time!!!)

And today, me and Taylor officially lost our babies. Well, I dunno if she treats her trombone as her baby but I do ok?! So sad. I had to give my awesome trumpet to Felicia. I feel like writing a farewell note to y lovely trumpet. Well, I don't think I gave it a name though. But Zhi Yi calls it Spit. So Spit it shall be. I shall write my farewell note to Spit here.

Dear Spit,
From the first time I chose you as my dear companian, I knew you will be the right one for me. When the others' trumpets got stuck very easily or when their slide falls out very easily, I knew that you were the best trumpet anyone can ever get because your slide will not drop out.

I remember the first time I saw your box, I was excited to see what was inside that nice looking box that you were in. When I saw you, I was so fascinated my your looks that I couldn't take my eyes off you.

I remember the first time I buzzed into your mouth piece. What a wonderful feeling that was, being able to hear the little sound I produced with my lips. And I still can remember the very first note I played on you. It sounded so magical and wonderful, I was so excited to play more!

I remembered the first time I pressed your valves. Even though it felt weird, I enjoyed the feeling. I also can remember the first time I oiled your valves. It was so much fun. Unscrewing and screwing them back on again.

I remember the first time I polished you. So much black stuff came out, showing your beauty underneath. I was mesmerised by your beauty and your shiny-ness that I couldn't bear to take my eyes off you.

I remember the first time I brought you home for the holidays. I was complaining about how heavy you are and how tiring it was to hold you. But when I hugged you in my arms, the load was lightened and I could feel warmth.(Probably cause the box is black and it trapped the heat)

I remember hating you alot at first. Thinking, ugh.... I got into band and I'm playing the stupid trumpet, which I have no idea what it looks like. But after I saw you, my mindset changed and I slowly learnt to love and care for you. I was afraid of holding you, because I was scared that I would drop you and hurt you, and causing a scar on you. But the more I held you, the more confident I felt.

We're been through both think and thin, sharing joy and laughter. You were the one that was with me through my very first concert, my very first competition. You have taught and helped me alot. Thank you so very much. I hope that your new owner will find many new and unforgettable memories to make with you, just like how you made so many with me. Take care, my 555202 trumpet and I love you.

Love, your ex owner, Shan Shan

left; 5:40 AM

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Brenna asked me to DSA into SOTA. HAHAHA she's crazy. But after cheerleading and of course watching Street Dance, I have the huge urge to learn hip hop. Haha Edwina shocked me when she told me I look like a hip hop person. I've never even learnt hip hop before la!!!

Geraldine had a really blonde moment today. Miss Chen was gonna show us how to do the paper mache when Geraldine said"Ugh!!! I can't see anything!!! I wish she would just wear an invisible shirt so I can see through her." Then Andrea said "OMG Geraldine!!! What are you saying?!?! Even if she wear's an invisible shirt, her body is still opaqe!!!" Hahah What a blonde moment!!!

Its 10 plus now and my homework is still incomplete... Sians....

left; 6:45 AM

Friday, August 20, 2010


Me, Zhi YI and Huda gave her awesome chocolates:D So nice huh:D

There's cheer practice tomorrow~ Annoying people who used us when they couldn't find anything better and when they found PROFESSIONALS, they threw us away like rubbish... That's so annoying!!!

Ugh this weekend got so much homework to do... Why?!?! Why can't teachers understand that we hate homework?!

I'm to pissed to talk much... All I can say is good luck to everyone...

left; 6:37 AM


Shan Shan is my name but my friends call me Shan
Disgusting 13 (its an unlucky number...)
Ex PL Lite. Now a Cedarian
1 Joy '03
2 Joy'04♥
3 Faith'05♥
4 Faith'06
5 Humility'07♥
6 Humility'08♥
1 Mammamia'09♥
2 Mervelioux'10 (however the french spell it. hwy i'm not french i dunno how to spell french and that's normal ok)
Cedar Symphonic Band


Taylor Swift!!!
Cheerleading and the cheerleaders(:


Suck Up-pers... Gth!!!
People who just keep on sticking to me...
Makeup!!! Eww...
Advantage takers


Wanana be an awesome trumpet player!!!
Wanna get a new phone!!!
Wanna get at least 9 hours of sleep a day, for a week
Wannna get gold or even better, Gold with honours for SYF in 2011
Wanna stop global warming.(not likely to happen...)

Agnes♥ Amanda♥ Andrea♥ Anne♥ Brenda♥ Carolyn♥ Cherie♥ eleanor/nornor♥ Elsa♥ Estella♥ Finzi♥ Freda♥ Jeryl♥ Jia Lin♥ Kari/Karina♥ Melissa Mak/M&M♥ Minru/Min♥ Narcissa/Nars>♥ Rozan♥ Sophie♥ Su Lin♥ Susanna♥ Taylor♥ Si Min(Band)♥ The gang♥ Thushena♥ Vania♥ Vanessa♥ Yan En♥ Yu Ling♥ Zhen Rong♥ Zhi Yi♥ Sec 1CHAMPION Sec 2CHAMPION

Resolutions for 2010

1)Get better in playing trumpet 2)Get at least all B3 for all subjects this year 3)Get into triple science next year 4)Do my homework at at home at least twice a week(er.. i think i did...) 5)Talk to my juniors(i did :D i'm so nice) 6)Lie less(sorta done) 7)Swear less(done!)

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